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Thursday Throw Down Linky: Interactive Assessments

Updated: Aug 29, 2018


Who says the teacher has to do all the assessments? Why not get your students involved? You could have your students keep track of their own progress. I used to teach computers to my students once a week in addition to their regular computer class and I made this fun little chart for them to keep track of how many words per minute they could type. We set goals ahead of time and tracked our progress and then reflected on our results at the end of the year! My students really enjoyed keeping track of their own progress. I also made some posters to go with it on goal setting.

I also adapted this chart to use for reading fluency where students keep track of

how many words per minute they can read.

One of my favorite interactive assessments is a group evaluation chart and poster

set I created for some younger group of learners.

Team work is an important skill to teach and practice. After we learned what it meant to work together (or collaborate) and how to effectively work together (by doing our jobs, listening to each other, taking turns, speaking softly and encouraging one another), we would do a group project and then students would evaluate how well their group did. This simple chart was a great way for students to reflect on what things they did well and what areas could still use some improvement. I liked using this chart for younger learners because they were evaluating their group as a whole and not as individuals making up the group. This made it a true team effort instead of pointing fingers at one person

in the group for not pulling their weight. 

At the beginning of each school year I had my students take learning style assessments and record their unique learning style on a learner profile. This was a fun way for students to see how they learn best. You can find lots of learning style inventories

on-line (click here for a few examples).

These are just a few examples of how to help students take ownership of their learning through interactive assessments that I used. Do you have other examples that you have found success with? If you have a blog be sure to link up with Lovin Lit's Thursday Throw Down and share your ideas. If you don't have a blog leave your ideas in the comments below.

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