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Summer Countdown Blog Hop & Giveaway!


Summer is almost here! The end of the year can be a crazy time for all teachers and especially busy for the special education teacher. Year end testing, writing reports,

IEP meetings...need I say more!

A few of my special education blogging buddies and I have joined forces to bring you the summer countdown blog hop! We are bringing you tips and freebies to help

make your end of year go as smooth as possible!

Read my tip(s), download my freebie(s) and enter the giveaway at the bottom of this post. Then click on the sunshine below to "hop" to the next page where you will find more end of the year tips and freebies! When you get back to my page you will know that you have completed the hop! We hope these tips and freebies will help you have a wonderful

end to your school year!

I'm sharing some tips and freebies I've shared with you in the past - oldies but goodies!

I also have a brand new freebie to share with you today!

Tip #1 Simplify Complicated Testing Terminology for Parents

Do you dread all the year end meetings? Aside from all the extra hours required for year

end testing and meetings, explaining test results can be a challenging task.

Testing terms can be very complicating and confusing! Help make your end of the year IEP meetings run smoothly with these 7 tips for conducting a successful IEP meeting! Also included is a free chart that defines each type of score (standard scores, percentile

ranks, stanines, age and grade equivalents and more). 

Tip #2 Keep Track of To Dos for the Beginning of the School Year

My second tip is to make a list of all the things you need to do to get ready for the following school year. It helps to make a list while you are packing up your classroom for the summer. When you have a checklist of everything you need to accomplish in the fall it will help make the beginning of the year go much more smoothly as well! Read more about this tip and more tips for the beginning of the year here or by clicking on the image below.

Tip #3 Recognize Student Accomplishments!

Now for my new tip and freebie! All students need to be recognized for their accomplishments and even more so those who may have more difficulties with school/learning. Use these end of year awards to recognize goals that

students met throughout the year!

Enter to Win one of my End of Year Class Memory Books!


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