Bible Memory Sticker Chart
Help your child memorize scripture verses with this free Bible memory sticker chart! Each week my children and I memorize one verse and then if they can say it to me by heart on Friday they get to add a sticker to their sticker chart. There are several versions included. One with spots for 25 stickers, 30 stickers, 40 stickers, 45 stickers and 50 stickers. Each version comes in color and black and white.
What's Included in the Full Year Bible Memory Curriculum?
Helping our students hide God's word in their hearts (Psalm 119:11) is a great responsibility and plays a vital role in equipping our children to be disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19). This Bible Memory Curriculum - Full Year Bundle is a 36 week Bible memory curriculum that includes activities for every day of the week. Students will learn a new verse each week.
The program is designed to be a…
Three Step Process:
Step 1: Putting God’s Word in our Heads…by memorizing it.
Step 2: Putting God’s Word in our Heads (cont.)…by thinking about and explaining what the verse means.
Step 3: Putting God’s Word in our Hearts…by thinking about and explaining how we will apply the verse in our own lives.