Beginning of the Year Checklist
Getting ready for a new school year can be a LOT of work! There are papers to run off, school supplies to sort, students to welcome, parents to inform, meetings to attend, and on and on. It can be overwhelming to try to keep track of everything that needs to be completed before your little learners step foot into your classroom for the first time. That’s where this freebie comes in handy!
At the beginning of each school year I would list out all of the things I had to do before the start of school. Items on my list included running off monthly activity pages, updating my back to school information page for parents, scheduling field trips, printing class lists, sending welcome letters to students, etc.
This became a very helpful resource for the following school year as I wouldn't have to remember everything because it was all written down for me! I would simply go through my checklist and make any edits necessary for the upcoming school year and then check them off as I accomplished them. It also helped me gauge how much I had left to do so I could pick away at tasks over the summer and not get bogged down with to-dos in August.
This freebie is a completely editable PowerPoint document.
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First Day of School Activities